Magento 2.x Database Tables Briefly Explanation
Customer Registration is EAV Entity, There are following below 6 Customer Entity Tables, where customer's Registration details are stored.
- customer_entity
- customer_entity_int
- customer_entity_varchar
- customer_entity_text
- customer_entity_decimal
- customer_entity_datetime
Customer Address is EAV Entity, There are following below 6 Customer Address Entity Tables, where customer's shipping & billing address details are stored.
- customer_address_entity
- customer_address_entity_int
- customer_address_entity_varchar
- customer_address_entity_text
- customer_address_entity_decimal
- customer_address_entity_datetime
Customer Form is set of Customer's Registration Form, Customer's Login Form, Customer's Checkout Form, Customer's Billing & Shipping Address Form These Customer Form attribute details are stored in below Table.
There is following below table stored Magento 2.x Customer's Group
By default, Magento 2 provides following below customer group
As per below customer_group table, where column customer_group_code stored all four customer's group
By default, Magento 2 provides following below customer group
- --General
- --Wholesale
- --Retailer
As per below customer_group table, where column customer_group_code stored all four customer's group


It is used to store all admin Notifications as
Magento 2 Admin Notifications
Magento 2 Admin Notifications Stores Database Table
It is used to store all admin Notifications as
- Latest Catalog Information
- Latest Magento Version Update Information
- Latest Module Version Update Information
- Latest Security Patch Information
- Export Product File Information
Magento 2 Admin Notifications
Magento 2 Admin Notifications Stores Database Table
There are following below 2.x Tables, where CMS pagess & Stores establish connection with each other.
- cms_page
- cms_page_store
There are following below 2.x Tables, where CMS Blocks & Stores establish connection with each other.
- cms_block
- cms_block_store
this table column code having unique website code, if Multisite setting, need to put below in MAGE_RUN_CODE, to distinct website
For website abc.com where abc_code unique website code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.abc.com.* MAGE_RUN_CODE=abc_code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.abc.com.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
For website xyz.com where xyz_code unique website code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.xyz.com.* MAGE_RUN_CODE=xyz_code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.xyz.com.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
this table column code having unique website code, if Multisite setting, need to put below in MAGE_RUN_CODE, to distinct website
For website abc.com where abc_code unique website code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.abc.com.* MAGE_RUN_CODE=abc_code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.abc.com.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
For website xyz.com where xyz_code unique website code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.xyz.com.* MAGE_RUN_CODE=xyz_code
SetEnvIf Host .*dev.xyz.com.* MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
Catalog Products are EAV Entity, There are following below 6 Catalog Products Entity Tables, where product details are stored.
- catalog_product_entity
- catalog_product_entity_datetime
- catalog_product_entity_decimal
- catalog_product_entity_int
- catalog_product_entity_text
- catalog_product_entity_varchar
Catalog Categories are EAV Entity, There are following below 6 Catalog Categories Entity Tables, where Category details are stored.
- catalog_category_entity
- catalog_category_entity_datetime
- catalog_category_entity_decimal
- catalog_category_entity_int
- catalog_category_entity_text
- catalog_category_entity_varchar
There are following below Magento 2.x Database tables store bundle products
- catalog_product_bundle_option
- catalog_product_bundle_option_value
- catalog_product_bundle_price_index
- catalog_product_bundle_selection
- catalog_product_bundle_selection_price
- catalog_product_bundle_stock_index
There are following below Magento 2.x Database tables store Store Product Attributes
- eav_attribute
- eav_attribute_group
- eav_attribute_label
- eav_attribute_option
- eav_attribute_option_swatch
- eav_attribute_option_value
- eav_attribute_set
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store Shopping Cart Items & its related data.
- quote
- quote_item
- quote_item_option
- quote_payment
- quote_address
- quote_address_item
- quote_payment
- quote_shipping_rate
- quote_id_mask
There are following below Magento 2.x Database tables store Store Product Attributes
- sales_order
- sales_order_item
- sales_order_grid
- sales_order_address
- sales_order_payment
- sales_order_status

There are following set of Magento 2.x Database Tables Store Sales Invoice Order Data
- sales_Invoice
- sales_Invoice_item
- sales_Invoice_grid
- sales_Invoice_comment
- sales_Invocie_aggregated
- sales_Invocie_aggregated_order
There are following below Magento 2.x Database table store Sales Payment Transaction
There are following set of Magento 2.x Database Tables Store Sales Tax and Its related Data
- sales_order_tax_item
- tax_calculation
- tax_calculation_rate
- tax_calculation_rate_title
- tax_calculation_rule
- tax_class
- tax_order_aggregated_created
- tax_order_aggregated_updated
There are following below table store Magento 2.x Module Security Patches
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables Store Customer’s Newsletter Data
- newsletter_problem
- newsletter_queue
- newsletter_queue_link
- newsletter_queue_store_link
- newsletter_subscriber
- newsletter_template
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables Store Custom Rating Data for Products.
- rating_entity
- rating_option
- rating_option_vote
- rating_option_vote_aggregated
- rating_store
- rating_title
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables Store Custom Review Data for Products.
- review
- review_detail
- review_entity
- review_entity_summary
- review_status
- review_store
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store Customer’s Wishlist Products
- wishlist
- wishlist_item
- wishlist_item_option
- email_wishlist
There are following below Magento 2.x Database Table having all URLs storage.
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store Cart Price Rules
- salesrule
- salesrule_coupon
- salesrule_coupon_aggregated
- salesrule_coupon_aggregated_order
- salesrule_coupon_aggregated_updated
- salesrule_coupon_usage
- salesrule_customer
- salesrule_customer_group
- salesrule_label
- salesrule_product_attribute
- salesrule_website
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store Catalog Price Rules
- catalogrule
- catalogrule_customer_group
- catalogrule_group_website
- catalogrule_group_website_replica
- catalogrule_product
- catalogrule_product_price
- catalogrule_product_price_replica
- catalogrule_product_replica
- catalogrule_website
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store Bundle Products
- catalog_product_bundle_option
- catalog_product_bundle_option_value
- catalog_product_bundle_price_index
- catalog_product_bundle_selection
- catalog_product_bundle_selection_price
- catalog_product_bundle_stock_index
- catalog_product_index_price_bundle_idx
- catalog_product_index_price_bundle_opt_idx
- catalog_product_index_price_bundle_opt_tmp
- catalog_product_index_price_bundle_sel_idx
- catalog_product_index_price_bundle_sel_tmp
- catalog_product_index_price_bundle_tmp
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store PayPal Billing Agreement
- paypal_billing_agreement
- paypal_billing_agreement_order
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables store Sales Paypal Settlement Report
- paypal_settlement_report
- paypal_settlement_report_row
There are following below Magento 2.x Database Table store Sales Paypal Payment Transaction
- paypal_payment_transaction
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Table store downloadable products
- downloadable_link
- downloadable_link_price
- downloadable_link_purchased
- downloadable_link_purchased_item
- downloadable_link_title
- downloadable_sample
- downloadable_sample_title
There are following below set of Magento 2.x Database Table store Braintree Payment Details
- braintree_credit_prices
- braintree_transaction_details
The Total number of Database Tables in Magento 2.4 is 399
The Total number of Database Tables in Magento 2.4.3 is 411
The Total number of Database Tables in Magento 2.4.3 is 411
The Total number of Database Tables in Magento 2.4.1 is 404
The Total number of Database Tables in Magento 2.4.2 is 408
Which Magento 2.x Database Tables For Algolia Search, while Magento 2.x connected to Algolia Search.
The following below set of Magento 2.x Database Tables, once Magento 2.x connected to Algolia Search
- algoliasearch_landing_page
- algoliasearch_query
- algoliasearch_queue
- algoliasearch_queue_archive
- algoliasearch_queue_log
- algolia_additional_sections_cl
- algolia_categories_cl
- algolia_delete_products_cl
- algolia_pages_cl
- algolia_products_cl
- algolia_queue_runner_cl
- algolia_suggestions_cl
The following below two tables store Magento 2.x compare products
- catalog_compare_item
- catalog_compare_list
The following below Magento 2.x Database Table having Catalog URL Rewrite ID.
The following below Magento 2.x Database Table having store Email Templates.
The following below Magento 2.x Database Table having Cron Job details.
The following below Magento 2.x / Adobe Commerce 2.x Database Tables responsible to verify that the catalog data has been exported from your Adobe Commerce instance and is synchronized for Live Search.
The following below Adobe Commerce 2.x - B2B Database Tables responsible to store Customer Company or User Company Details
- - Company & It’s concerned details are stored in
Database Table — Company - - Relationship between Company_id & Customer_id stored in
Database Table – company_advanced_customer_entity -
- Company Credit related details stored in
Database Table– company_credit - - Company payment related details stored in
Database Table – company_credit - - Company Structure related ID details stored in
Database Table – company_structure -
- Company negotiable quote related ID details stored in
Database Table – negotiable_quote_company_config -
- Company purchase order related details stored in
Database Table – purchase_order_company_config