Multidimensional Data Cube or Model, (Roll-up, Drill-Down Slice Dice) Operation

The Multidimensional data cube is a multi-dimensional array of data used for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

A Multidimensional data cube allows data to be viewed in multiple dimensions.

1. Roll-Up or Drill Up Operation

Roll-up is an aggregation operation that summarizes data by climbing up a concept hierarchy or by dimension reduction. It’s like zooming out to see a broader view.

Example: Sales data cube with dimensions: Location (City), Time (Month), and Product.

A roll-up operation might aggregate sales data from the city level to the country level.

Below Data Before Roll-Up:

  • City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
  • Month: January, February, March
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

Below Data After Roll-Up:

  • Country: Sales in USA
  • Quarter: Q1
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

2. Drill-Down Operation

Drill-down is the reverse of roll-up. It provides more detailed data by descending a concept hierarchy or adding dimensions. It’s like zooming in to see finer details.

Example: Using the same sales data cube, a drill-down operation might break down sales data from the country level to the city level.

Below Data Before Drill-Down:

  • Country: Sales in USA
  • Quarter: Q1
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

Below Data After Drill-Down:

  • City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
  • Month: January, February, March
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

3. Slice Operation

Slice selects a single dimension from the data cube, creating a sub-cube by fixing a value for one dimension.

Selection on one dimension of the given cube, resulting in a sub cube.

Example: If we want to analyze sales data for January only, we perform a slice operation on the Time dimension.

Below Data Before Slice:

  • City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
  • Month: January, February, March
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

Below Data After Slice:

  • City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
  • Month: January
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

4. Dice Operation

Dice selects two or more dimensions to create a sub-cube by fixing values for those dimensions.

Selection on two or more dimension of the given cube, resulting in a sub cube.

Example: If we want to analyze sales data for January and February in New York and Los Angeles, we perform a dice operation.

Below Data Before Dice:

  • City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
  • Month: January, February, March
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

Below Data After Dice:

  • City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles
  • Month: January, February
  • Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones

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