Que-1:: What is GraphQL?
Ans-1:: GraphQL is a query language & used for APIs and includes the runtime for executing these queries.
Que-2:: When development of GraphQL has been started??
Ans-2:: GraphQL was developed internally by Facebook in 2012 and publicly released in 2015. The complete Facebook moved into GraphQL on 7 November 2018 as newly established GraphQL Foundation, hosted by the non-profit Linux Foundation.
Que-3:: Mention list of companies using GraphQL?
Ans-3:: There are following below companies using GraphQL
Facebook, Shopify, and Instagram, Twitter, Stack, Stackshare,
Microsoft, Coursera, KAVAK, Graphy, Klarna & many more as below
Que-4:: GraphQL is a Database?
Ans-4:: GraphQL is not DBMS / RDBMS, It is a Query Language used for APIs.
Que-5:: List of languages those are used to implement GraphQL Server.?
Ans-5:: The following below languages used to implement GraphQL.
JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, Haskell, Ruby, C#, Scala, Go, Elixir, Erlang, R, and Clojure etc.
Que-6:: What is response format of GraphQL?
Ans-6:: GraphQL response as JSON format.
Que-7:: Define Overfetching in GraphQL?
Ans-7:: Overfetching is used to fetch extra data for an API request. Overfetching increases payload size..
Que-8:: Define underfetching in GraphQLL?
Ans-8:: Underfetching is used to fetch enough data. Underfetching requires multiple API calls to fetch the complete data..
Que-9:: How GraphQL helping in data loading process?
Ans-9:: GraphQL always allow the minimum number of data that is exactly required by the client, in case of the object model having a lot of fields, the client request only the required fields..