Scrum Master Interview Questions & Answers

MVP [Minimum Viable Product] displaying smallest or summary part of the project that having main functionality, We need to discuss with Stakeholders or Clients about project on the bases on MVP

MMP [Minimum Marketable Product] (MMP) is ready to be sold, so it is better developed and offers a better overall user experience

MVP refers to a product that has just enough features to satisfy the customer's needs


MVP refers to a product that has basic features to satisfy the customer's needs

Scrumban is a project management framework that combines important features of two popular agile methodologies: Scrum and Kanban

Scrumban=Scrum Agile + Kanban

Three Agile Scrum Artifacts or Three Pillars of Empirical or Three Empirical as below

Product backlog::It is set of all story points of project

Sprint backlog::Those story points (fetched from Product backlog) Development Team have to work to accomplish project.

Increments::Those story points has been completed in current sprint & those are not completed again return back to be part of Product backlog. Increments are working as bridge between Product backlog & Sprint backlog

Impediments in Scrum::What are the problems / Issue are facing by the current sprint development team to accomplish current sprint target & it slows down the sprint progress

Impediments in Scrum might be following below reason.

  1. Business Problems
  2. Lack of Skill or Knowledge
  3. Team Members Issue
  4. Technical Issue
  5. Operational Issue
  6. Health Issue With Team Members
  7. Operational Issue
  8. Organizational Problems
  9. Missing Resources
  10. Understanding Issue

Agile manifesto is scrum core 4 values & 12 principles

The Four Values of The Agile Manifesto
  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  4. Responding to change over following a project plan.
The Twelve Agile Manifesto Principles

1- Customer satisfaction through early and continuous software delivery – Customers are happier when they receive working software at regular intervals, rather than waiting extended periods of time between releases.

2- Accommodate changing requirements throughout the development process – The ability to avoid delays when a requirement or feature request changes.

3- Frequent delivery of working software – Scrum accommodates this principle since the team operates in software sprints or iterations that ensure regular delivery of working software.

4- Collaboration between the business stakeholders and developers throughout the project – Better decisions are made when the business and technical team are aligned.

5- Support, trust, and motivate the people involved – Motivated teams are more likely to deliver their best work than unhappy teams.

6- Enable face-to-face interactions – Communication is more successful when development teams are co-located.

7- Working software is the primary measure of progress – Delivering functional software to the customer is the ultimate factor that measures progress.

8- Agile processes to support a consistent development pace – Teams establish a repeatable and maintainable speed at which they can deliver working software, and they repeat it with each release.

9- Attention to technical detail and design enhances agility – The right skills and good design ensures the team can maintain the pace, constantly improve the product, and sustain change.

10- Simplicity – Develop just enough to get the job done for right now.

11- Self-organizing teams encourage great architectures, requirements, and designs – Skilled and motivated team members who have decision-making power, take ownership, communicate regularly with other team members, and share ideas that deliver quality products.

12- Regular reflections on how to become more effective – Self-improvement, process improvement, advancing skills, and techniques help team members work more efficiently.

Empiricism in Scrum is an approach where the development team continuously learns and improves from mistakes.

The team would plan every detail of the product with the assumption / observations that is required for the product to be successful.

The Following below three main policy or pillars of Scrum Empirical




Agile release train (ART) Agile release train is a team of several Agile teams working together to accomplish common goal. ARTs works at enterprise level

SAFe(Scaled Agile Framework):: having collection of standard principles, policies , best practices & process that would enable large organization (Enterprise Level Project) to adopt agile methodologies

SAFe is best suited for large complex project that having large project or programe level

The following below SAFe -- 4 core values
  1. [1] - Alignment
  2. [2] - Built-in Quality
  3. [3] - Transparency
  4. [4] - Program execution

Behavioral Driven Development (BDD):: is a development technique that focuses on the system’s behavior or product's behavior and derived from TDD(Test-Driven Development)

Write User Story acceptance criteria by using behavior-driven development (BDD)

BDD focus is "do the features and the data behave like they are required to do"

  1. - BDD ensures the correct product
  2. - Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) aims to validate scenarios and behaviors.
  3. - BDD not only the developers have to think about what they want to test. Developers, testers, and the product manager (or another business expert) come together, review each user story, and think about how to ensure the criteria of each user story are correct.
  4. - BDD using Given-When-Then approach for writing test cases as below for Example

Given:: The user has entered valid login credentials

When:: A user clicks on the login button

Then:: Display the successful validation message

Scrum Velocity:: How many number of story point has been completed & how many number of story points pending to be completed remaining in entire project

How To Calculate Scrum Velocity:: is a Total Number of Story Points divided by Number of Sprints

For Example::

Total Number of Story Points::is a 60

Total Number of Sprint::is a 3

Scrum Velocity::is a 60 divided by 3 =20

T-shaped in Scrum::any team member of developer has additional skills apart from his expertise

For Example::

Developer ABC has expertise Java , but he can also works in Testing / Designing

Product Backlog:: list of all things (or collection of) new features, bug fixes, improvements, changes to existing feature, those need to be prioritize & delivered within estimated time line by Scrum Team

Product Backlog managed & prioritize by Product Owner

Sprint Backlog:: list of required features (also called story points) are taken from product backlog to sprint backlog on the bases of priority / delivery

Three Scrum Pillars

  1. Transparency
  2. Inspection
  3. Adaption

5 five Scrum Ceremonies (or heart of the Scrum Framework)

  1. Sprint Planning
  2. Daily Scrum (Daily Standup)
  3. Sprint Review
  4. Sprint Retrospective
  5. Product Backlog Refinement

Stop and Cancel a Sprint By Product Owner

No, The product owner is not required to attend the daily Scrum.

Only Scrum Master & developers are required to attend the daily Scrum.

What are

3 Scrum Artifacts:

  1. Product Backlog
  2. Product Increment
  3. Sprint Backlog

Pigs :: are usually the actual team members, the Scrum Master and Product Owner

Chickens :: are the roles of the managers or stakeholders.

Standard Number of Story Points in a sprint or per sprint:: 5 to 15 story points are standard in a sprint or per sprint

The maximum story points in a sprint or per sprint:: 20 points is the upper limit.

Responsible Person to move stories from product backlog to sprint backlog:: Only the Development Team

5 main KPIs
  1. Revenue growth.
  2. Revenue per client.
  3. Profit margin.
  4. Client retention rate.
  5. Customer satisfaction.

Once Sprint Planning done, sprint Goal can not be change

Once Sprint Planning done, sprint Backlog can be change

No Burn Down / Up Chart is not mandatory for Scrum

Burn Up Chart :: How mush task has been completed

Burn Down Chart :: How mush task pending those need to be completed

Efforts are measured, in terms of User Story

Burndown chart is a graphical representation of the remaining work needed to be completed

X Axis (Horizontal Axis):: represents number of remaining time to completed, usually in Days

Y Axis (Vertical Axis):: represents Team Effort (number of points to be completed)

Burndown chart

Personas in scrum:: Personas are Customer's fictional characters, Personas define as Customer's behaviors, demographics, needs, goals and main problems. Also give this person a name and a face.


To address conflicts openly and transparently. I encourage the involved parties to express their concerns and actively listen to each other. If necessary, I facilitate a discussion to find a resolution. The goal is to maintain a positive and collaborative team environment.

Discussion between the Product Owner and the team to understand the reasons behind the changes. If the changes are necessary, we may decide to incorporate them in the current Sprint or plan for them in the next one. It's essential to maintain open communication and ensure that changes align with project goals.

Start private conversation with the team member to understand the reasons for their lack of participation. It could be due to personal issues, lack of motivation, or other factors. I would work with the team to address any concerns and encourage open communication. If the issue persists, I may involve higher management or HR to find a suitable solution.

[1] - Request For Information::

The RFI is really a preliminary document used by companies.

The RFI is used to explore options before creating a contract for the project, A company or other organization will issue an RFI to gain information about which businesses are best suited to take on the job, as well as meet internal requirements

[2] - RFP (Request for Proposal) ::

A Request for Proposal is a document that is used to obtain comprehensive proposals from capable and interested companies, to demonstrate their skills, experience and knowledge will enable them to take on the described project.

[3] - SOW (Statement of Work)::

The Statement of Work is a document that the companies will use to describe what will be happening during the project. For example, the SOW should indicate all items that will be delivered, the timeline or timelines involved and when invoicing will take place

[4] - Contract::

A contract is the final document that you’ve been working toward so you can begin efforts on the new project. The contract will take into account the various details as specified in the original request for information and may very well be adjusted in a number of ways, based on the parameters that you went through when developing the request for proposal. A contract serves as a legal agreement that your organization and the other party sign. The contract will specify payments and timing of work to be done, as well as any reporting requirements and the duties of the contracting parties.

[5] - MSA (Master Services Agreement)

A Master Services Agreement or MSA serves to define how your company and the other company will work together. One key element of this document will be the terms of payment. The decisions you make on payments timing and amounts will naturally involve your CFO and accounting department, such as whether it would be best to offer a discounted rate to win a particular job or whether your revenue cycle is strong enough to withstand later payment terms that you would otherwise object to.

Five Scrum Ceremonies
  1. Sprint Planning: The team plans the work for the upcoming sprint.
  2. Daily Scrum: The team synchronizes their work and identifies any impediments.
  3. Sprint Review: The team demonstrates the completed work and gathers feedback.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: The team reflects on the sprint and identifies areas for improvement.
  5. Product Backlog Refinement: The team reviews and prioritizes the product backlog.
The primary responsibilities of a Scrum Master?
  1. Facilitate Scrum ceremonies and ensure they are effective.
  2. Coach the Scrum team and help them self-organize.
  3. Remove roadblocks and impediments that prevent the team from completing their work.
  4. Protect the team from distractions and interruptions.
  5. Promote Agile values and principles within the organization.

Absolute Estimation is better suited for larger and more stable projects, Whereas Relative Estimation works well for smaller and more dynamic projects.

TDD (Test Driven Development):: focuses on testing small units of code, while ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development) focuses on testing the overall functionality of the software from the user’s perspective. This means that ATDD tests are typically more high-level and involve testing the entire system, rather than just individual units of code (in case TDD).

Domain Driven Design:: This approach enables the development of software that is focused on the complex requirements of software that need to accomplish it and doesn't waste effort on anything unneeded.

A Spike is created when a user story or task cannot be estimated well enough until the team has done further research or investigation.

Spike (user story or task) required R & D, before It's Estimation

Spike is user story or Task that is created in order to research a question or resolve a problem. Spikes focus on gathering information and finding answers to a questions, rather than producing a shippable product

In Scrum, an epic is a large user story that captures a large amount of value or functionality for the customer. A spike is a short, time-boxed activity that is used to reduce uncertainty or gain knowledge about a specific aspect of an epic

There are three different roles in Scrum

  1. Product Owner:: Responsible for the work for Team
  2. Scrum Master:: To organize Team Meeting, resolve any conflict & impediment , make sure every team member following Scrum (Rules, Principles, Theory), maximize productivity
  3. Development Team:: Self Organizing & Cross Functional Team

A Story Board is visual presentation of project progress status.

Each feature in Story Board present four status

  1. To Do
  2. In Progress
  3. Testing / Test
  4. Done

User Story is Business Values that need to completed in a Sprint
As a -- User
I want -- Feature or Content of Story
So That -- Objective

Other Popular Frameworks apart from Scrum?
  1. Kanban
  2. Test Driven Development
  3. Extreme Programming
  4. Feature Driven Development
  5. Crystal
Release Candidate

A Build Version of Software that can deployed on Production

Scrum of Scrums

Scrum of Scrums refer meeting after that Daily Scrum Meeting where each Team Scrum Master should attend meeting & presenting their team current update

Scrum of Scrums
Example, We can go for Water Fall Model over Scrum
  1. Simple Project
  2. Well defined Requirement
  3. No Changes required until project to be completed
  4. Predictable
  5. Fully Understanding

Epic is set of multiple stories

User Story

User Story is Business Values, Each Feature in Scum is User Story


To Accomplish Business Requirement, Development team created task

Scrum of Scrums

3C in User Story


User Story Statement Intent


Indicated conversation among all Stakeholders as Development Team, Scrum Team, Project Manger , Product Owner, Client, they all have proper understanding about project's requirement,, current sprint, goal, purpose of project & deliverable date about stories


Acceptance criteria of all User Stories in Sprint / product backlog by Product Owner

3C in Agile


Work Together as Team


Indicated communication among all Stakeholders as Development Team, Scrum Team, Project Manger , Product Owner, Client, they all have proper understanding about project's requirement,, current sprint, goal, purpose of project & deliverable date about Project

Coordination ::

Work separately in a Team , once required support each other

There are three different roles involved in Scrum?

[1] - Product Owner
[2] - Scrum Master
[3] - Development Team

Story Board in Scrum Framework:: It is Visual representation of Story point status during sprint Incremental displaying status as below

To Do
In Progress

The following below some popular agile frameworks

[1] - Kanban
[2] - Test Driven Development
[3] - Features Driven Development
[4] - Lean Software Development
[5] - Extreme Programming
[6] - Crystal

Scrum Impediments:: Scrum Impediments is an obstacles & issue that blocking project speed up.

The following below case when Scrum Impediments occurs

Lacking Skills of Team
Lacking of Proper Project Requirement
Team Members Internal Conflict Issue
Technical or Operational Issue

The following below drawbacks of Scrum

Specially for Certain Types of Projects: Scrum may not be suitable for all types of projects, especially those with fixed requirements or heavily regulated environments where flexibility is limited.

Complexity in Large-Scale Projects: Scaling Scrum to large projects or organizations can be challenging. While frameworks like Scrum of Scrums or LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum) address this issue to some extent, managing dependencies and communication across multiple teams can still be complex.

Dependency Management: Scrum teams often work in isolation, focusing on their own backlog items during sprints. Managing dependencies between teams or components can be difficult and may require additional coordination and planning.

Overemphasis on Meetings: The various ceremonies in Scrum, such as Sprint Planning, Daily Standups, Sprint Reviews, and Retrospectives, can sometimes lead to excessive meetings, which may consume valuable time and reduce productivity if not managed effectively.

Risk of Unrealistic Expectations: Scrum encourages iterative development and frequent delivery of potentially shippable increments. However, this can lead to unrealistic expectations from stakeholders regarding the pace of delivery and the ability to accommodate changes throughout the project.

Potential for Burnout: The fast-paced nature of Scrum, with short iterations and continuous delivery, can sometimes lead to burnout among team members if the workload is not managed properly or if there is constant pressure to meet deadlines.

Lack of Defined Engineering Practices: While Scrum provides a framework for managing the development process, it does not prescribe specific engineering practices. This can lead to variability in the quality of the code and the effectiveness of development practices across different Scrum teams.

Focus on Output over Outcomes: Scrum places emphasis on delivering working software at the end of each sprint. However, there is a risk that teams may prioritize output (meeting sprint goals) over outcomes (delivering value to customers) if the focus is solely on completing tasks within the sprint time frame.

Recommended Sprint Duration:

The recommended length for a Sprint in Scrum is typically between 1 to 4 weeks.

The most common duration is 2 weeks.

Shorter Sprints == (1 week)
Longer Sprints == (3-4 weeks)

The duration of a sprint planning session in Scrum typically depends on the length of the sprint itself.

For example:

For a two-week sprint, Sprint Planning Time = 4 Hours.
For a one-month sprint, Sprint Planning Time = 8 Hours.

In Scrum, the total release cycle duration can vary based on several factors including the size and complexity of the project, the length of the sprints, the frequency of releases, and the specific needs of the stakeholders.

Release Cycle in Scrum can range from a few months to a year or more.

The ideal size for a development team or Scrum Team or Team Member is between 3 and 9 people,

The Recommended Iteration Length in Scrum

The recommended iteration length in Scrum is often between one and four weeks.

The End-to-End (E2E) Scrum Master role involves facilitating the entire Scrum process from initiation to delivery, ensuring that the Scrum framework is effectively implemented and utilized throughout the project lifecycle

Here are some key responsibilities associated with the E2E Scrum Master role:

[1] - Scrum Process Facilitation:

The E2E Scrum Master facilitates all Scrum events, including Sprint Planning, Daily Stand-ups, Sprint Reviews, and Sprint Retrospectives. They ensure that these meetings are productive, focused, and adhere to Scrum principles and guidelines.

[2] - Team Support and Empowerment:

The Scrum Master supports the Scrum Team by removing impediments, fostering a collaborative environment, and empowering team members to self-organize and make decisions autonomously.

[3] - Stakeholder Communication:

The E2E Scrum Master facilitates communication between the Scrum Team and stakeholders, ensuring transparency, managing expectations, and gathering feedback to inform product development.

[4] - Continuous Improvement:

The Scrum Master encourages a culture of continuous improvement within the Scrum Team by facilitating retrospectives, identifying areas for enhancement, and implementing strategies to address inefficiencies and optimize team performance.

[5] - Servant Leadership:

The E2E Scrum Master exemplifies servant leadership by prioritizing the needs of the Scrum Team, enabling their success, and fostering a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration.

[6] - Coach and Mentor:

The Scrum Master serves as a coach and mentor to the Scrum Team, Product Owner, and other stakeholders, providing guidance on Scrum principles, practices, and values, and helping them navigate challenges and achieve their objectives.

[7] - Metrics and Monitoring:

The E2E Scrum Master monitors key metrics such as sprint velocity, burn-down charts, and team dynamics to assess progress, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the Scrum process.

The following below common metrics used in agile projects to track their health:

[1] - Velocity:

Velocity measures the amount of work completed by the team during each sprint. It provides insight into the team's capacity and helps predict how much work they can accomplish in future sprints.

[2] - Burndown Chart:

A burndown chart tracks the remaining work in a sprint or project over time. It helps visualize whether the team is on track to complete all planned work by the end of the sprint or release.

[3] - Sprint and Release Burnup:

Burnup charts track the progress of completed work (scope) against the total planned work for a sprint or release. They help stakeholders understand how much work has been completed and how much remains.

[4] - Lead Time and Cycle Time:

Lead time measures the total time taken from the moment a work item is requested until it's delivered. Cycle time measures the time taken to complete a single work item once work begins on it. These metrics provide insights into process efficiency and bottlenecks.

[5] - Defect Rate:

Defect rate tracks the number of defects or issues identified during development or testing. It helps assess product quality and identify areas for improvement in the development process.

[6] - Team Happiness or Satisfaction:

Regular surveys or retrospectives can gauge team morale, satisfaction, and overall happiness. Happy and engaged teams are generally more productive and innovative.

[7] - Customer Satisfaction:

Measures such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) or customer feedback surveys help assess the satisfaction of end-users or customers with the product or service being delivered.

[8] - Cumulative Flow Diagrams (CFD):

CFDs visualize the flow of work items through different stages of the development process. They help identify bottlenecks, optimize workflow, and ensure smooth progress.

[9] -Work in Progress (WIP) Limits:

Tracking WIP limits ensures that the team doesn't take on too much work at once, which can lead to inefficiencies and delays. It encourages focus and promotes smoother flow of work.

[10] - Release and Sprint Goals Achievement:

Evaluating whether the team meets its sprint and release goals helps assess project progress and alignment with business objectives.

The following below 5 Scrum Values

5 Scrum Value Commitment:

Scrum teams commit to achieving their goals and delivering value to stakeholders. This commitment involves dedicating themselves to the sprint backlog and the sprint goal, ensuring that they work collaboratively to accomplish what they've set out to achieve within the sprint.


Scrum requires courage from team members to address challenges, be transparent about progress and obstacles, and take risks to improve processes and deliver value. Team members should feel empowered to speak up, offer innovative ideas, and confront issues openly.


Scrum teams focus on delivering value incrementally and consistently. They prioritize the most important tasks and minimize distractions to ensure that they achieve the sprint goal and deliver a potentially shippable product increment at the end of each sprint.


Scrum promotes openness and transparency among team members, stakeholders, and the broader organization. Openness fosters trust, encourages honest communication, and enables constructive feedback, allowing teams to adapt and improve continuously.


Scrum teams respect each other's perspectives, skills, and contributions. They create an environment where individuals feel valued, supported, and empowered to collaborate effectively toward shared goals. Respect for diversity, expertise, and autonomy is fundamental to the success of Scrum teams.

Three agile scrum artifacts as below

1 - Product backlog::It is set of all story points of project

2 - Sprint backlog::Those story points (fetched from Product backlog) Development Team have to work to accomplish project.

3 - Increments::Those story points has been completed in current sprint & those are not completed again return back to be part of Product backlog. Increments are working as bridge between Product backlog & Sprint backlog

Microservices :: Microservices are a software development approach that breaks down large applications into smaller, independent parts.

Each part has its own roles & responsibilities.

Each part communicates with other parts using APIs.

Ecommerce Microservices

Shopping Cart
Payment Methods
Shipping / Delivery
Private Sales
Catalog Price Rules / Cart Price Rules
AI Based Search

Risk management is process to identify company potential losses or threats and uncertainties that could impact company financial issue, legal issue, Operational Issue , Growth/ Revenue Issue, Security issue, Project Deliverables Issue

To overcome Risk Management issue follow below

  1. Identify Risk
  2. Analyze Risk
  3. Prioritize Risk
  4. Treat or Implement Risk
  5. Monitor or Control Risk

The Main aim of Risk management to protect an organization from Potential Losses or Threats to its continued / successful operation.

There are five basic techniques of risk management:

  1. Avoidance.
  2. Retention.
  3. Spreading.
  4. Loss Prevention and Reduction.
  5. Transfer (rough Insurance and Contracts)
  • A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken by a company or organization. It has a finite start and end.
  • The focus is on creating a unique product, service, or result.
  • Project managers balance scope, resources, time, and budget to meet project objectives.
  • Examples: Developing a new software application, constructing a building, or organizing an event

  • Program:
  • A program is a group of related projects managed together.
  • Projects within a program are often coordinated centrally.
  • Programs aim to achieve strategic goals and business value.
  • Example: A program managing multiple projects related to improving customer experience across different channels

  • Portfolio:
  • A portfolio is a collection of programs and/or projects within the same organization.
  • These programs/projects may be related or unrelated.
  • Portfolios help organizations plan and manage work from a strategic perspective.
  • Example: An organization’s portfolio may include IT projects, marketing campaigns, and infrastructure upgrades
  • In Scrum, the INVEST acronym stands for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable. It is used to quickly review the quality of the user story

    Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimable Testable
    Poker Planning is Consensus best Estimation Technique, where each Team Member decision or estimation is Important
    1. During Project Planning / Scrum Meeting Team Members are doing discussion about Story Estimation
    2. Each Development Team Members has been assigned a deck of Poker Cards, each poker cards has a set of Fibonacci Series 0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21
    3. Product Owner reading or explaining story, while each Team Member Listening story
    4. Each Development Team Member discuss the feature to clearly understand all of its aspects & Each Development Team Member select a deck of one card or decide his / her timeline (estimate time) for to accomplish story as form of Cards
    5. Once Each Team Member selected a card or decide his / her timeline (estimate time) as form of deck of Poker Cards -- any of from a set of Fibonacci Series 0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21
    6. All cards selected by development teams members revealed at the same time ,
    7. If Value (Cards) selected by each development teams members are same , Finally that Value will be Estimate
    8. If highest & lowest Value (Cards) selected by some development teams Finally Time for discussion-- Poker Planning will be continue again until all team members having same Estimation (Time Line)
    9. Product Owner checks if all Team Development Members have timeline (estimate time) are same, then it will be Final Estimation Time Line
    10. For Example [1] out of 10 Team Members , 7 Member decided 5 Hour timeline (estimate time) & rest 3 Team Members decided 7 Hour timeline (estimate time) Again Planning Meeting continue until all team members has decided5 Hour timeline (estimate time)
    11. That is big conflict timeline (estimation) among all Development Team Means, means complete requirement not given, we can leave this story due to lack on information & continue next story.