The release date of Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 and Magento Open Source 2.4.4 is April 12, 2022 (for Commerce and Open Source), which will provide a better on-site shopping experience for customers & improved more security & improved performance with latest features
The release date of Adobe Commerce 2.4.4 and Magento Open Source 2.4.4 is April 12, 2022 (for Commerce and Open Source), which will provide a better on-site shopping experience for customers & improved more security & improved performance with latest features
While working Magento 2 development / design, once project completed & going to production , before that need to remove all catalog [Remove All Categories Data, All Products Data].
As per Magento 2.4.x requirement, Elasticsearch is mandatory, While developing / design project, sometimes need to disable Elasticsearch in Magento 2.4.x based as per working project need.
404 Page Not Found is one of the most common errors that occur when the website or store is active / running, but as per user requirement specific page is not available or does not exist.
There are following below Admin setting to configure Wishlist in Magento 2.x
Step [1] – Go To STORES > Configuration, redirects on configuration.
Step [2] – Left panel, expand Customers > Wishlist
Step [3]– Once Click on Wish List, expanded right panel as below
Step [3.1]– Once Click on General Options, expanded as below
Set the Enabled field to Yes. This activates the wish list module for the store.
Set the Enable Multiple Wish Lists field to Yes. This allows customers to create and maintain multiple wish lists.
To limit the number of wish lists customers can have associated with their account, enter a Number of Multiple Wish Lists value.
Set the Show in Sidebar field to Yes. This displays the wish list(s) in the sidebar.
Step [3.2]– Once Click on Share Options, expanded as below
Set the Email Sender to the store contact that should appear as the sender of the message. Options: General Contact, Sales Representative, Customer Support, Custom Email.
Set the Email Template to be used when a customer shares a wish list.
To limit the total number of emails a customer can send, enter a Max Emails Allowed to be Sent value. The default is 10 and the maximum allowed is 10,000.
To limit the size of the message, enter a Email Text Length Limit value. The default is 255.
Step [3.3]– Once Click on My Wish List Link, expanded as below
Need to choose either Display number of items in wish list or Display item quantities from drop down
Step [4] – Finally click on Save Config Button & run CLI command Flush, changes will be reflected
How To Display Wish List in Magento 2.x / Adobe Commerce 2.x in Frontside
Step [1] – Once logged in Frontside & I have added two products in Wishlist
Step [2] – Go to User’s My Account Page & Click on Left side My Wish List, The following three option as below
Step [2.1] – Update Wish List : It is used to update added Wish List products
Step [2.2] – Share Wish List: It is used to share added Wish List products
Step [2.3] – Add All To Cart: It is used to add Wish List products in shopping Cart
if you want to specific Wish List product to add in Shopping Cart, Drag Mouse Over on Image, able to click Add to Cart
if you want to add all Wish List products to add in Shopping Cart,