Conceptual Modeling of Data Warehouses & Its Schema as Star, Snowflake & Fact Constellation

Conceptual modeling is the high-level design phase of a data warehouse, focusing on how data is organized and represented for easy querying and reporting. It helps structure data in a way that supports analytical processing and business intelligence.

Conceptual Modeling defines high level design structure / schema of Data Warehouse, how data organized, reporting & querying etc.

Step [1] – Star schema is a most widely used schema design in data warehousing.

Star schema Features: It’s having central fact table that holds the primary data or measures, such as sales, revenue, or quantities. The fact table is connected to multiple dimension tables, each representing different attributes or characteristics related to the data in the fact table. The dimension tables are not directly connected to each other

Star Schema easy to understand & implement & best for reporting and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

Step [2] – Snowflake Schema is a extended part of Star Schema, where dimensions tables are normalized & connected with each others.

Snowflake Schema is more complex schema where dimension tables are normalized into multiple related tables.

Snowflake Features: It’s having central fact table that holds the primary data or measures, such as sales, revenue, or quantities. The fact table is connected to multiple dimension tables, each representing different attributes or characteristics related to the data in the fact table. The dimension tables are directly connected to each other

Star Schema easy to understand & implement & best for reporting and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

How Data Warehouse Support ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load)

Extract, transform, and load (ETL) is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a large, central repository called a data warehouse. ETL uses a set of business rules to clean and organize raw data and prepare it for storage, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning (ML).

Collect raw data from various sources (databases, APIs, flat files, etc.).

Step [1]- Extract Data: ETL process is used to extract data from various sources such as transactional systems, spreadsheets, and flat files. This step involves reading data from the source systems and storing it in a staging area.

Clean, filter, and format raw data to match the data warehouse schema.

Step [2] – Transform Data: The extracted data is transformed into a format that is suitable for loading into the data warehouse. This may involve cleaning and validating the data, converting data types, combining data from multiple sources, and creating new data fields.

Store transformed data into the data warehouse for reporting and analysis.

Step [3] – Load Data: Once Data transformed, it is loaded into the data warehouse. This step included creating the physical data structures and loading the data into the warehouse.

ETL Working Flow in Data Warehouse

Differentiate among Data Swap, Data Puddles, Data warehouse & Data Lake with Examples.

1. Data Swap (Data Mart)

A Temporary storage location where data is exchanged or transferred between two systems, It typically handles small transactional data in a structured format.

  • Definition: A small, focused subset of a data warehouse designed for a specific department or team.
  • Scope: Limited to a single business unit (e.g., Sales, Marketing).
  • Purpose: Quick access to relevant data for specific needs.
  • Structure: Highly structured and pre-processed.
  • Example:
    • A sales data mart containing monthly sales, customer data, and product performance for the sales department.
    • I a E-commerce, when a customer makes a payment , the payment gateway system exchanges transaction details with the Order Mgt System.

2. Data Puddles

Small, isolated collections or data typically focused on a specific department or project. These are often uncoordinated & may no follow a consistent schema.

  • Definition: A small-scale, isolated data repository created by individual teams for short-term use.
  • Scope: Project or Department specific or team-specific with minimal governance.
  • Purpose: Temporary storage for ad-hoc analysis or experiments.
  • Structure: Semi-structured or unstructured, often created for quick insights.
  • Example:
    • A marketing team’s Excel sheets and Google Drive files collecting social media metrics for a campaign.
    • It serves marketing specific needs but is not accessible across other departments.

3. Data Warehouse

A centralized repository of structured data that is cleaned, organized & optimized for querying & reporting.
Data Warehouses support Business Intelligence(BI) & analytics by integrating data from multiple sources.

  • Definition: A centralized, structured repository that stores processed and organized data from multiple sources.
  • Scope: Enterprise-wide, integrating data from across the organization.
  • Purpose: Supports business intelligence (BI), reporting, and analysis.
  • Structure: Highly structured with defined schemas (star/snowflake schemas).
  • Example:
    • Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery storing customer transactions, inventory, and supply chain data for reporting and forecasting.
    • An otg

4. Data Lake

A scalable repository that stores vast amounts of data as

Structured Data Format, Unstructured Data Format, Semi Structured Data Format.

It is used for advanced analytics, machine learning & big data

  • Definition: A vast, unstructured repository that stores raw data from various sources in its native format.
  • Scope: Enterprise-wide with the ability to store massive datasets.
  • Purpose: Enables advanced analytics, machine learning (ML), and data discovery.
  • Structure: Unstructured or semi-structured; no predefined schema.
  • Example:
    • AWS S3 or Azure Data Lake storing IoT sensor data, social media feeds, and raw logs for future analysis.
    • An organization uses data warehouse (Snowflake or Amazon redshift) to coordinate sales, customer & financial data, It allows analysts to create dashboards & generate reports for long term business strategy.

Key Differences

AspectData Swap (Mart)Data PuddleData WarehouseData Lake
ScopeDepartment-specificProject or team-specificOrganization-wideOrganization-wide
Data StructureStructuredSemi-structured/unstructuredStructuredUnstructured/semi-structured
Data VolumeSmall to mediumSmallLargeVery large
PurposeSpecific business unit reportingTemporary/quick analysisReporting & BIAdvanced analytics & big data
Storage FormatPre-processedRawPre-processedRaw
ProcessingMinimalMinimalExtensive ETLELT (Extract, Load, Transform later)
ExampleSales Mart for KPIsExcel files for project insightsEnterprise-wide BI reportsIoT sensor and video data repository