The Multidimensional data cube is a multi-dimensional array of data used for OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
A Multidimensional data cube allows data to be viewed in multiple dimensions.
1. Roll-Up or Drill Up Operation
Roll-up is an aggregation operation that summarizes data by climbing up a concept hierarchy or by dimension reduction. It’s like zooming out to see a broader view.
Example: Sales data cube with dimensions: Location (City), Time (Month), and Product.
A roll-up operation might aggregate sales data from the city level to the country level.
Below DataBefore Roll-Up:
City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
Month: January, February, March
Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones
Below DataAfter Roll-Up:
Country: Sales in USA
Quarter: Q1
Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones
2. Drill-Down Operation
Drill-down is the reverse of roll-up. It provides more detailed data by descending a concept hierarchy or adding dimensions. It’s like zooming in to see finer details.
Example: Using the same sales data cube, a drill-down operation might break down sales data from the country level to the city level.
Below DataBefore Drill-Down:
Country: Sales in USA
Quarter: Q1
Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones
Below DataAfter Drill-Down:
City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
Month: January, February, March
Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones
3. Slice Operation
Slice selects a single dimension from the data cube, creating a sub-cube by fixing a value for one dimension.
Selection on one dimension of the given cube, resulting in a sub cube.
Example: If we want to analyze sales data for January only, we perform a slice operation on the Time dimension.
Below DataBefore Slice:
City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
Month: January, February, March
Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones
Below DataAfter Slice:
City: Sales in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago
Month: January
Product: Laptops, Tablets, Phones
4. Dice Operation
Dice selects two or more dimensions to create a sub-cube by fixing values for those dimensions.
Selection on two or more dimension of the given cube, resulting in a sub cube.
Example: If we want to analyze sales data for January and February in New York and Los Angeles, we perform a dice operation.
A Multidimensional Data Model:: It is defined as a Data Model that allows data to be organized and viewed in multiple dimensions, such as time, item, branch, and location, enabling organizations to analyze relationships between different perspectives and entities efficiently.
A multidimensional data model views data in the form of a data cube, which allows data to be modeled and viewed in multiple dimensions. The key components are:
Dimensions: These are the perspectives or entities concerning which an organization keeps records. For example, time, item, and location.
Facts / Measures: These are the numerical measures or quantities. For example, sales amount.
Data Cube:: It is a multi-dimensional data structure. A data cube is organized by its dimensions (as Products, States, Date)
A data cube allows data to be viewed in multiple dimensions.
A Retail store that wants to analyze its sales data. The dimensions could be:
Step [5] – Verify The Magent Cloud: Run the following command to check if the installation was successful or check magento cloud version
magento-cloud --version
Step [6] – Verify The List of Available Commands: To verify that the magento-cloud command is available, you can view list of available commands
magento-cloud list
Step [7] – magento-cloud login, once this command run below output URL
If this URL normally does not work, follow below steps to API Token Authentication command to login inside Adobe Commerce Console.
Step [7.1] – Generate API Token in Adobe Commerce Console.
Step [7.2] – Run below command API Token Authentication command to login
magento-cloud-cli auth:api-token-login
Step [7.3] – Once above command run asking for token/password , need to put below token (Already Generated API Token in Adobe Commerce Console) & successfully login Magento cloud CLI & ready to selection different integration
EFcMEi-K6p5Mq9poSkrvqX4gWNBP9ValEG3krC2eTyc , This Already Generated API Token in Adobe Commerce Console)
Step [7.4] – To verify either inside Adobe Commerce Cloud login successfully
magento--cloud version
Step [7.5] – How To Check Lists the environments in the current project
magento-cloud environment:list
Step [7.8] – How To Check, Lists variables in the current environment
Packagist hosts a vast collection of PHP packages, from well-known libraries to smaller community-contributed ones. This repository includes libraries for tasks like authentication, database handling, routing, validation, and much more.
To configure files or repo from rom Private Repository follow below steps.
Step [1] –Login in rom Private Repository by using your Butbucket / Github / GitLab
Run on root directory of your Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce
composer install
Step [2] – One logged inside, private repository
Go To Setup Authentication >> Composer Config Command
on the root directory of your Magento Clone Files run below command
Step [1] – What is the docker-compose Up command The docker compose up command aggregates the output of each container (like docker compose logs –follow does).
Step [2] – What is the docker-compose stop command To stop containers running in the background, use the docker-compose stop command:
Step [3] – What is the docker-compose Down command Running this command in a terminal or within a script stops and removes all containers, networks, and volumes established by the docker-compose up command To use it, simply navigate to your project directory and execute docker-compose down.
Step [4] – What is docker command to check services name
docker-compose config --services
Step [5] – What is Docker command to check Mysql or MariaDB Version
docker-compose exec db mysql -V
Step [6] – Which Command is being used to check total number of containers running right now
docker ps
Step [7] – Which Docker Command used for Restart Services
docker-compose restart
Step [8] – Linux command to check current path
Step [9] – List of required PHP 8.3 Extension for Linux/Docker/WSL2 (Magento 2 Installation)
Step [9] – Docker Command to find all installed images
docker images
Step [10] – Docker Command to find all installed volumes
docker volume ls
Step [11] – What is purpose of command “docker exec -it php bash”
docker exec -it php bash
It allows you to start an interactive Bash shell inside a running php container.
Open a Bash shell inside the php container. Gain interactive access to the container, where you can:
Run Linux commands.
Explore or modify the file system.
Execute PHP commands or scripts.
Check log files, configurations, etc.
This is useful for debugging or managing running containers in real-time without stopping or recreating them.
Step [12] – What is purpose of docker-compose up -d --build
The docker-compose up -d --build command is used to start or rebuild Docker containers as defined in a docker-compose.yml file, with a few key actions:
Example Scenario
Let’s assume your docker-compose.yml file has the following services:
upstream fastcgi_backend {
server unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;
server {
listen 80;
set $MAGE_ROOT /var/www/html/magento2;
include /var/www/html/magento2/nginx.conf.sample;
Step [3] – To Create nginx virtual host symbolic link