If quotes are enabled in the Adobe Commerce B2B Quote Enabled Features configuration, an authorized buyer from a company (User Must be registered as Company) can initiate the price negotiation process by requesting a quote from their shopping cart.
Step [1] – By Default Adobe Commerce B2B , below all things disabled
[a] – Company
[b] – Quick Order
[c] – Requisition List
Step [2] – Once clicked on Enable Company, below two things will be auto displayed
[a] - Enable Shared Catalog - By Default Disabled
[b] - Enable B2B Quote - By Default Disabled
Enable Shared Catalog & Enable B2B Quote depends on Enable Company, Once Enable Company Status = Yes
Step [3] – Registered as New user by Company registration as below
Step [4] – Customer quote request experience
[4.1] – The customer logs in to their user account as a buyer with permission to request a quote.
[4.2] – Adds the products that they want to be included in the quote to the shopping cart.
[4.3] – Clicks Request a Quote.
[4.4] – In the Add your comment box, enters a brief note that describes the request.
[4.3] – Enters a Quote Name.
[4.4] – If needed, attaches a supporting document or image to the quote:
Clicks Attach file.
Chooses the file from their system.
By default, an attached file can be up to 2 MB, in any of the following file formats: DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PDF, TXT, JPG or JPEG, PNG.
[4.5] Finally Clicked on Send Request Button
Step [5] – How To Check Request Quote From Admin End
[5.1] – Go To Sales > Quotes
[5.2] – Once Clicked, display all Quotes Listing
[5.3] – Clicked on View to see full details
[5.4] – Finally admin can see each Quote details & reply as per business need.
Diagramming software allows users to create detailed diagrams – such as flow charts and floor plans – out of data and images. Diagramming tools often include templates for building diagrams in addition to enabling users to create diagrams from scratch
The following steps define Top Best Diagramming Software Architecture Tools
Step [1] – Diagrams.net:: Diagrams.net (formerly draw.io) is a collaborative online diagramming tool with an offline desktop app for added security.
It includes features such as:
Real-time collaboration
Offline desktop app
Store diagrams locally in the browse
Storage in Google Drive, Sharepoint, OneDrive, GitHub, GitLab, Dropbox or Notion
Support for UML, C4, ArchiMate, BPMN and SysML shapes
Step [2] – Lucidchart.com:: is a collaborative diagramming tool with templating and shape types to create many diagram types, such as flow charts, process flows, mind maps and more.
Available for both Free & Paid
Best for teams collaborating on quick and flexible diagrams.
It includes features such as:
Real-time collaboration to work with your team
Connect to data
Integrate with other tools in your stack
Templates to help guide you
A learning campus to learn what you can do in the tool
Step [5] – Gliffy.com is a collaborative drag-and-drop diagramming tool.
Best for larger teams who want to diagram software architecture and have enterprise requirements.
Available for Paid
It includes features such as:
Real-time collaboration Support for UML, ER, data flow, process and C4 modelling Cloud architecture diagrams Integration with Jira, Confluence and Google Drive
Follow the below steps to install WSL in Windows 10 or above version
Step [1] – Click on Windows Power Shell
Step [2] – Once Windows Power Shell opened, run below command
wsl --install -d ubuntu
It will run another Windows Power Shell, where asking to create Unix Credentials (Username & Password) and once installed Message will be displayed on Both Window,
as created as
Enter new UNIX username: john1021
New Password: 1234@abcd Retype new password: 1234@abcd
Step [3] – Once Installed, you can open as below Ubuntu
Finally check version as below command
Step [4] –Installation of Lando Package
Once WSL Installed, need to install lando as below
Step [5] – Once Lando Package has been installed, need to run below command
sudo dpkg -i lando-x64-stable.deb
After running this command error must be display as below
Error Indicates, Your Windows WSL System ready for Docker Installation
Step [6] – Installation of Docker Package
Step [6.1] – Update the apt package index and install packages to allow apt
sudo apt-get update
Step [6.2] – Install Docker CA Certificate
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
Optional below in case any error while running command sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
In case any issue / error displaying while running command sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
Follow below command
# Download last stable version
wget https://files.devwithlando.io/lando-stable.deb
# Show information (Optional)
dpkg --info lando-stable.deb
# Install with Ignore docker
sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=docker-ce lando-stable.deb
# Show version
lando -v
Once all Four command done run ca Certificate Command
Artificial Intelligence is development and implementation of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI involves the creation of intelligent machines that can perceive their environment, reason, learn, and make decisions to achieve specific goals.
The following below steps define How AI is transforming the e-commerce industry tremendous way
Step [1] –Personalized shopping experiences: AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of customer data, including browsing history, purchase behavior, and preferences, to offer personalized product recommendations. This helps e-commerce platforms deliver tailored shopping experiences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.
Step [2] – Chatbots and virtual assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide real-time customer support, answering queries, and guiding customers through their purchase journey. These AI systems can understand natural language, assist with product recommendations, and even process transactions, enhancing customer service and reducing the need for human intervention.
Step [3] – Visual search: AI enables visual search capabilities, allowing customers to search for products using images rather than text-based queries. By analyzing visual features, AI algorithms can identify similar products and provide relevant search results, enhancing the overall search experience and making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.
Step [4] – Supply chain optimization: AI algorithms help streamline and optimize the e-commerce supply chain by predicting demand, optimizing inventory management, and automating logistics and fulfillment processes. This leads to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and faster order delivery, benefiting both e-commerce businesses and customers.
Step [5] – Fraud detection and security: AI-powered systems can identify patterns and anomalies in real-time to detect fraudulent activities, such as payment fraud and identity theft. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, e-commerce platforms can enhance security measures and protect both the business and its customers from potential threats.
Step [6] – Price optimization: AI algorithms can analyze market trends, competitor pricing, and customer behavior to dynamically adjust prices in real-time. This enables e-commerce businesses to optimize pricing strategies, offer competitive prices, and maximize revenue while considering factors like demand elasticity and inventory levels.
Step [7] – Product content generation: AI can generate product descriptions, reviews, and other content based on customer reviews, specifications, and other relevant information. This helps e-commerce platforms automate the process of content creation, ensuring consistent and accurate product information across a large inventory.
Step [3] – Load File Path “D:/xampp/php/libsodium.dll” at the end
LoadFile "D:/xampp/php/php8ts.dll"
LoadFile "D:/xampp/php/libpq.dll"
LoadFile "D:/xampp/php/libsqlite3.dll"
LoadModule php_module "D:/xampp/php/php8apache2_4.dll"
here need to file path as per step 4
Step [4] – After adding, finally added the line as below & restart Apache Server
Adobe provides integration modules that enable seamless connectivity between Adobe Commerce and Adobe Experience Manager. These modules include the “Commerce Integration Framework (CIF)” and “Commerce Integration Module (CIM).” Follow the official documentation to download and install these modules into your Adobe Experience Manager environment.
In Adobe Experience Manager, access the configuration settings for the Commerce Integration Framework (CIF) and Commerce Integration Module (CIM). Configure the connection settings such as the URL of your Adobe Commerce instance, authentication credentials, and other required information.
In the Adobe Commerce Admin panel, navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Adobe Experience Manager. Configure the connection settings for Adobe Experience Manager, including the URL, authentication credentials, and other necessary information.
Step [4] – Set up data synchronization between Adobe Commerce and Adobe Experience Manager:
Define the data synchronization settings to determine which data (such as products, categories, pricing, etc.) should be synchronized between the two systems. Configure the frequency and scope of data synchronization, as well as any mapping or transformation rules if required.
Step [5] – Test and validate the integration: Perform tests to ensure that data is synchronized correctly between Adobe Commerce and Adobe Experience Manager. Verify that product information, pricing, categories, and other relevant data is accurately shared between the two systems.
Step [6] – Implement customizations (optional): If needed, develop customizations or enhancements to tailor the integration to your specific requirements. This may involve building custom components, templates, or workflows in Adobe Experience Manager or extending functionality in Adobe Commerce.