The Following below admin setting required to configure Newsletters in Magento 2.x Store.
Step [1] – Go STORES > Configuration, redirects Configuration section.

Step [2] – Left panel, choose Customers > Newsletter
Once expanded Newsletter, right panel newsletter section with two options
- General Options
- Subscription Options

Step [3] – Once expanded General Options
- Select either Yes for Newsletter enabled or No for Newsletter disabled
- By default, Newsletter enabled

Step [4] – Once expanded Subscription Options

Each field of Subscription Options explained briefly below
- Allow Guest Subscription: If you allow guest users and not logged in customers to subscribe to your newsletters, select Yes otherwise No, by default Yes selected.
- Need to Confirm: set to Yes if customers need to confirm subscription in the first confirmation email they receive from you, by default No selected.
- Confirmation Email Sender: Select sender email from drop down menu for sender confirmation email, by default Customer Support

- Confirmation Email Template: Choose the template for the confirmation email.
- Success Email Sender: Select the sender of the success email. Visitors will receive this email when they agree to subscribe to the newsletters, by default Customer Support

- Success Email Template: Choose the template for the success email.
- Unsubscription Email Sender: Select the sender of the unsubscription email. Visitors will receive this email when they refuse to subscribe to the newsletters.
- Unsubscription Email Template: Choose the template for the unsubscription email.
Step [4] – Click on Save Config button & run CLI command Flush