How To Install ReactJS or React.js on Windows 10 / 11

Step [1] – To Check Node.js Installed & Its version

The npm stands for Node Package Manager and it is the default package manager for Node.js

To check NodeJS is installed or not by running the following command

node -v

The npx stands for Node Package Execute and it comes with the npm

To check npx is installed or not by running the following command

npx -v

If NodeJS not installed,

Step [2] – Run Command

npx create-react-app myapp

Here myapp project name

Step [3] – Run Below Command

npm start

Once command run successfully run, below message displaying

As we are working on Local Machine, while going deploy on Production need to be run Production Command npm run build

Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.

Step [4] – Run below URL in Browser


Step [5] – ReactJs Folder Structure

Finally we have the following below set of CLI Command

node -v
npx -v
npx create-react-app myapp
npm start


Step [6] – Install Required Contentful Packages

To interact with Contentful, we need to install the Contentful JavaScript SDK. Install it by running

npm install contentful

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