Packagist hosts a vast collection of PHP packages, from well-known libraries to smaller community-contributed ones. This repository includes libraries for tasks like authentication, database handling, routing, validation, and much more.
To configure files or repo from rom Private Repository follow below steps.
Step [1] –Login in rom Private Repository by using your Butbucket / Github / GitLab
Run on root directory of your Magento 2 / Adobe Commerce
composer install
Step [2] – One logged inside, private repository
Go To Setup Authentication >> Composer Config Command
on the root directory of your Magento Clone Files run below command
Step [1] – What is the docker-compose Up command The docker compose up command aggregates the output of each container (like docker compose logs –follow does).
Step [2] – What is the docker-compose stop command To stop containers running in the background, use the docker-compose stop command:
Step [3] – What is the docker-compose Down command Running this command in a terminal or within a script stops and removes all containers, networks, and volumes established by the docker-compose up command To use it, simply navigate to your project directory and execute docker-compose down.
Step [4] – What is docker command to check services name
docker-compose config --services
Step [5] – What is Docker command to check Mysql or MariaDB Version
docker-compose exec db mysql -V
Step [6] – Which Command is being used to check total number of containers running right now
docker ps
Step [7] – Which Docker Command used for Restart Services
docker-compose restart
Step [8] – Linux command to check current path
Step [9] – List of required PHP 8.3 Extension for Linux/Docker/WSL2 (Magento 2 Installation)
Step [9] – Docker Command to find all installed images
docker images
Step [10] – Docker Command to find all installed volumes
docker volume ls
Step [11] – What is purpose of command “docker exec -it php bash”
docker exec -it php bash
It allows you to start an interactive Bash shell inside a running php container.
Open a Bash shell inside the php container. Gain interactive access to the container, where you can:
Run Linux commands.
Explore or modify the file system.
Execute PHP commands or scripts.
Check log files, configurations, etc.
This is useful for debugging or managing running containers in real-time without stopping or recreating them.
Step [12] – What is purpose of docker-compose up -d --build
The docker-compose up -d --build command is used to start or rebuild Docker containers as defined in a docker-compose.yml file, with a few key actions:
Example Scenario
Let’s assume your docker-compose.yml file has the following services:
upstream fastcgi_backend {
server unix:/run/php/php8.2-fpm.sock;
server {
listen 80;
set $MAGE_ROOT /var/www/html/magento2;
include /var/www/html/magento2/nginx.conf.sample;
Step [3] – To Create nginx virtual host symbolic link
The following things ( Organization, Space, Content Model, Content Type ) below defined briefly
Organization:: An Organization is the first-level entity in Contentful and is typically associated with a company, team, or business
Example:If your business is a large corporation, the organization would represent the entire company, and you could have separate spaces for different departments or projects.
Space:: A Space is a self-contained area within an organization where content is created, managed, and published
Organization -> Space
Example:You might have one space for a corporate website, another for a mobile app, and a third for a product blog. Each of these spaces would have its own content and settings but belong to the same organization.
Content Model:: A Content Model defines the structure of content within a space. It outlines how content types are connected and what fields they contain, It consists of different content types, each representing a specific kind of content, and the fields
Organization -> Space ->Content Model
Example: In a content model for a blog, you might define content types for “Blog Post,” “Author,” and “Category,” with specific fields (such as title, body text, image, etc.) for each content type.
Content Type:: Content types are components of the content model and define which data type can be entered. It defines the fields and structure of a specific type of content
Organization -> Space ->Content Model -> Content Type
Example: For a blog site, you might have the following content types:
Blog Post:Fields could include title, body, author, publish date, and featured image. Author:Fields could include name, bio, and profile picture. Category:Fields could include category name and description.
How Organization, Space, Content Model, Content Type Interrelated
Organization contains Spaces, and within each space, you define your Content Models.
A Content Model is made up of multiple Content Types.
Each Content Type defines the structure for individual content entries (like a blog post, author, or product).