Which Frontend language , Backend language & Database used by Shopify

Shopify Frontend Language

  • JavaScript : JavaScript is extensively used for interactive features on Shopify’s frontend, while TypeScript provides static typing to enhance development efficiency and reduce errors.
  • React: This popular JavaScript library is used for building user interfaces, particularly for the admin dashboard and other interactive parts of the platform.
  • Liquid: Shopify’s own templating language, Liquid, is used for themes and customizing the storefront.
  • HTML/CSS: Standard web technologies for structuring and styling web pages.

Shopify Backend Language

  1. Ruby on Rails: Shopify’s backend is primarily built with Ruby on Rails, a powerful web application framework known for its convention-over-configuration approach, which accelerates development.
  2. Go: Some backend services are written in Go, a statically typed, compiled language known for its performance and concurrency capabilities.
  3. Node.js: Utilized for specific services and tasks that benefit from non-blocking I/O operations.

Shopify Databases

  1. MySQL: Used as the primary relational database for transactional data.
  2. Redis: Employed for caching and real-time analytics to enhance performance.
  3. Elasticsearch: Utilized for search functionalities, enabling fast and relevant search results.
  4. Apache Kafka: Used for event streaming to process and transport high volumes of data across services.

Other API , CI/CD Technologies Used By Shopify

  • GraphQL: Shopify uses GraphQL for its Admin API, providing a flexible and efficient way to interact with the data.
  • Docker: For containerization, allowing developers to create, deploy, and run applications in isolated environments.
  • Polaris: Shopify’s design system, providing a cohesive set of guidelines and components for building a consistent user interface.

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