Walmart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969 as Walmart Inc. was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994 and incorporated on 1994 as Inc.
Seattle, Washington, United States
Bentonville, United States
Walmart offers chain of hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores. offers e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. It is considered one of the Big Four tech companies, along with Google, Apple, and Microsoft.
Serving Countries
Walmart offers eCommerce services in 10 countries: United States, Canada, Mexico ,Central America, United Kingdom, Japan,Argentina, Chile, Canada, and South Africa offers eCommerce services in 17 countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, UK and US by Dec, 2019
No of Stores
11,847 properties throughout the world [ 27 countries ], of which 11,443 were retail stores & Walmart U.S. had a total of 4,743 stores throughout the United States as of January 31, 2021 has 526 physical retail stores, also including 19 Amazon Books stores, four Amazon 4-Star stores and four Presented by Amazon outlets in USA.
Retail Stores Type
Walmart offers 6 different types physical retail stores throughout the world [1] Walmart Supercenter:: offers grocery and a GM (general merchandise) Department [2] Walmart Express:: Mobile Express Money (Walmart App) that enables Consumers to do money service transactions at Walmart [3] Walmart Neighborhood Market:: offers grocery, fresh meat, bakery and deli departments and pharmacies [4] Walmart Pharmacy:: offers quality Pharmacy Products at affordable prices [5] Walmart Fuel Store:: offers gas, diesel fuel at affordable prices offers 4 different types physical retail stores in USA [1] Amazon Books:: offers Books, Devices, Merchandise [2] Amazon 4 Star:: offers Books, Devices, Merchandise [3] Amazon Go:: offers Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner [4] Aamzon PoP UP:: offers Merchandise
Membership Fee
Walmart does not charge any membership fee for online purchases. Prime membership costs $12.99 per month or a once-off annual fee of $9
No. of Products
Walmart offers total 46.1 million products across 11766 stores offers more than 606 million products available online and adds more than 50 000 products per day.
Owned by
Walmart owned by Walton family [51% Share Holding], owned by MacKenzie Bezos(Ex-wife of Jeff Bezos) having 25% Share Holding and Jeff Bezos having 11% Share Holding
If you are taking Magento2 [Files + Database] from server & setup on localhost & while trying to open Admin , It will be not opened, due to cookie domain values specified for a particular domain name.
Solution: There are following below command need to ben run
[1]-: Run select query , to check how many cookie domain values are present in Database
select * from core_config_data
WHERE path = "web/cookie/cookie_domain"
[2]-: Run update query:
To update all path = “web/cookie/cookie_domain” into 0
update core_config_data
set value="0"
WHERE path = "web/cookie/cookie_domain"
Once run query all path = “web/cookie/cookie_domain” values will be converted into 0, check again by using select query
select * from core_config_data
WHERE path = "web/cookie/cookie_domain"
Note: Here only one cookie domain value, if some cases multi store, there
are multiple path = "web/cookie/cookie_domain" & each path value having domain name exists, so you need to converts all
path = "web/cookie/cookie_domain" values into 0
Finally, localhost Magento 2 admin issue has been resolved.
[4]-: The following below command to regenerate Product, Category & CMS Page URLs
Regenerate URL
php bin/magento ok:urlrewrites:regenerate
Note: If you use some external cache mechanisms (e.g.: Redis, Varnish, etc.) - please, refresh this external cache.
Finished indicates URLs rewrite generate command successfully all URLs
Finally, Website / Store, Product, Category & CMS Page URLs has been regenerated.
Catalog–Products: select Simple Products, which you want to converts into Virtual products.
Click on Edit
Go To Weight: “The item has weight” for Simple Product already mentioned.
To Converts into Virtual Product, “select Item has no weight”
Step-2: By Using Database SQL Query
update catalog_product_entity
set type_id = 'virtual'
where type_id = 'simple'
Note: Be careful, this query will be converted all Simple Products To Virtual Products
Note: If user wants to convert specific Simple Products To Virtual Products, below query need to run
update catalog_product_entity
set type_id = 'virtual'
where type_id = 'simple' and sku in ('BSX55MOLCG','BSX55MOLCLW','BSX55MOLCMW','BSX55MOLWWH')
Catalog–Products: select Virtual Products, which you want to converts into simple products.
Click on Edit
Go To Weight: “The item has no weight” for Virtual Product already mentioned.
To Converts into Simple Product, select Item has weight & put weight value.
Finally Click on Save button & Virtual Product will be converted into Simple Product.
Step-2: By Using Database SQL Query
update catalog_product_entity
set type_id = 'simple'
where type_id = 'virtual'
Note: Be careful, this query will be converted all Simple Products To Virtual Products
Note: If user wants to convert specific Simple Products To Virtual Products, below query need to run
update catalog_product_entity
set type_id = 'simple'
where type_id = 'virtual' and sku in ('BSX55MOLCG','BSX55MOLCLW','BSX55MOLCMW','BSX55MOLWWH')
Single Sign-on (SSO):: It is an authentication process that allow users to access multiple applications with same login credentials of Magento 2. Using this user can enter the login credentials in the third-party application and be logged in to Magento 2 store simultaneously.
“Single sign-on is an authentication method that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to multiples applications simultaneously”
“Single Credential that enables users to log in to multiple applications and websites”
This allows faster access to applications. The customers can use their existing credentials for logging into various third-party applications such as UVdesk, The user can use one set of credentials for various platforms and won’t have to remember multiple passwords for each login.
Magento 2 using multiple stores, blog etc., by using single User ID / Password, user can enable to login multiple Magento 2 stores & blog
Find validateURLScheme function in vendor\magento\framework\Image\Adapter\Gd2.php file. at line 96. Replace function with this: !file_exists($filename)
Replace existing validateURLScheme function with modified validateURLScheme function as per below code