Business Tycoon Elon Musk & CEO of electric-car company Tesla and aerospace company SpaceX agreed to acquire Twitter for $44 billion on 26th April, 2022
The Following below reason, why acquired Twitter by Elon Musk
Reason [1] – Due To Free Speech, he wants to implement free speech on the platform so it can fulfil its potential as the world’s ‘Digital Town Square’.
Reason [2] – To make the company private is likely to have substantial ramifications for a service used by more than 300 million people, including many world leaders.
Reason [3] – To desire as safeguard Twitter as a free speech system rather than censorship, “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy”
Reason [4] – To remove Fake Profile, & keeping genuine user & verified profiles
Reason [5] – To modify / moderate Twitter’s policies content, arguing that so be a genuine forum for free speech.
Reason [6] – To protect Twitter users from harmful content & keeping genuine content

Origins of Twitter::
The origins of Twitter date back to early 2006, when NYU student Jack Dorsey shared a new online communication idea with some of his coworkers at Odeo, a podcasting company. Dorsey’s idea was a platform that allowed users to share short messages with groups of people, similar to sending text messages.
First Tweet::
Jack Dorsey sent the first message on Twitter on 21st March 2006, 9:50 PM. It read, “just setting up my twttr.”
Twitter Trends Increased By 2007::
Twitter was introduced to the public on July 15th, 2006, . The website started watching around 20,000 tweets per day in the first months, but this number grew to 60,000 in 2007
Twitter Tweet Limit Increased from 140 characters to 140 characters::
Twitter was originally designed as an Mobile SMS-based platform in early days where limit was 140 characters, Twitter decided to increase Twitter limit from 140-character limit to 280 characters limit On 2017